January 18, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner

When I asked Facebook fans for their favorite dinner-in-a-hurry, it was a toss-up between soup and grilled cheese and breakfast for dinner. Sure you could scramble some eggs and throw some toast on the side, but why not try some of these?
  • Sausage, egg and cheese muffin - okay, so maybe the fast food restaurant has perfected this one, but it's super easy to make at home and I almost always have the ingredients on hand. Casey shared a favorite from her house in her comment on yesterday's post.
  • French toast a la panini - I'm telling you, everything tastes better on the panini grill, especially french toast. Here's a quick recipe: Beat together 4 eggs, 1/4 cup milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon sugar. Dip bread into egg mixture and place on (very) hot panini grill. Cook 1-2 minutes or until lightly browned. Throw a couple slices of bacon on the plate and you've got yourself a dinner.
  • Bacon, egg and cheese panini - Since you've already fired up the panini grill, why not try a bacon, egg and cheese? Sourdough bread makes this one an instant winner, although I did get the word yesterday that sourdough bread is "icky."
  • Breakfast casserole - I never realized how many different breakfast casserole recipes there were until I was in MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) many years ago. Everyone has their own take on this one for sure. Here's mine: eggs, milk (or cream, preferably) frozen hash browns, whatever acceptable meat I have on hand, basil, salt, pepper and grated Cheddar cheese. Mix it up and throw it in the oven--bake until those eggs are done.
  • Breakfast burritos - Not really sure how we functioned before flour tortillas. Scrambled eggs and cheese snuggled up inside of one make a quick and tasty meal. Add some bacon, tomato and avocado or make it Mexican by adding salsa and cilantro.
I'd love to include your favorite breakfast-for-dinner recipe in my cookbook. If you have one you'd like to share, email me here.

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